Short Cycles (Advanced Vocational Training)

The Advanced Vocational Training Programmes comprise recognised academic studies, organised on the basis of professional categories. They are developed in academic modules of different durations and include a professional placement in a company, studio or workshop, and a final project. Reflecting the Escola Massana philosophy, these courses combine technical specialisation related to the profession with a keen focus on project activity.

The different programmes promote teaching methods that are both professional and creative, and in which practical teaching is inseparable from reflexive and conceptual content.

Study Plan Structure

The Advanced Vocational Training Programmes are organised in professional modules: theoretical, theoretical-practical, workshops, professional placements in companies, and a final project.

All modules included within the different programmes are taught in-situ, except for the professional placements in companies and the final project.

All training programmes last for two academic years, in addition to three extra months of a third academic year for carrying out the final project.

The Vocational Training Programmes are taught in the mornings and comprise a total of approximately 1800 hours of classes, which can vary according to the course.

Professional Placements in Companies

The Advanced Vocational Training Courses include a professional placement in a company, studio or workshop. This placement aims to compliment the student’s academic training, as well as to contrast the knowledge the student acquires at the centre with the reality of business. The students thus make contact with the world of work and its systems of social and professional relationships.

Final Project

After satisfactorily completing all the study modules for the course and the professional placement in a company, studio or workshop, the student undertakes a final project.

This project aims to check that the student has assimilated and correctly applied the knowledge that has been acquired and is able to develop a professional activity within their chosen specialisation.